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Becoming a first rank holder- SECRET REVEALED

Hello friends..!! In this blog I have shared my experience on how I got the ALL INDIA  FIRST RANK (in examination DEC 2014). Also i will be sharing some tips on how u can also achieve the same. Believe me it 100% possible to get FIRST RANK despite your previous academic performance, all u need is a constant belief that " I CAN AND I WILL".
   THE ONE WHO THINKS HE CAN'T IS ALREADY DEFEATED. Read the thoughts of following personalities....
MOHANDAS GANDHI: A man is nothing but the product of his thoughts.What he thinks he becomes.
MUHAMMAD ALI: (A legend boxer) said " If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it then i can achieve it. To be a champion you must believe you are the best, if you are not then pretend you are. Champions are not made in the gyms- they are made from something they have deep inside them : A DESIRE A DREAM A VISION"
NELSON MANDELA : It always seems impossible till its done.
NAPOLEAN HILL: whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.
I can give hundreds of such examples but the Crux is only one....BELIEVE YOU CAN. And just give your best.
For this be ready for hard work. Always remember   THERE IS NO SHORTCUT AND NO GAME OF LUCK FOR FIRST RANK. In my earlier blogs i have discussed on how to prepare so do refer that . (visit the link carelatedtips.blogspot.com). Now i hope you have determined to get the FIRST rank so let's start........
  After I did my admission in CPT I came to know that it was a full objective question based examination. It was a major factor that let me to aim that i will bring 200/200 in this exam. My only aim became not only to pass even not only to get rank but to get the FIRST RANK. Now my aim was set but the problem was how to achieve it??? I wanted to meet a first rank holder but it was not possible since most of the first rank holders were from south india STATE- ANDHRA PRADESH. No one from my city i.e Kathmandu. I tried phoning some rank holders but some were not available, some wrong number .... At last i could talk to a third rank holder and i knew that he had studied 10-12 hrs a day two months before exam. I asked for some reference books but he said he studied only the books of his own institute and those books were not available to public. Then one of my teachers ( CA DEEPAK PANDEY Managing director of AOC ) said not to worry for those books and to focus on the books i had.
Now the journey had started...THE JOURNEY TO BECOMING AIR 1. I had determined that i will study -
* icai material
* scanner
* model test paper of ICAI
* few reference books
Now just practice practice and practice. AND THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE WAS TO PRACTICE IN SUCH A WAY ALL THESE COULD BE REVISED IN ONE DAY BEFORE EXAMS. So i used to mark the important and conceptual questions. Also making notes are very important in each and every subject. Notes should consists of important point, summaries of entire chapter, tricks, typical questions........ In a nutshell it should be such that once you read the notes you get the entire concept!!!
Still This was not all that was needed. The crucial thing was A CONSTANT BELIEF THAT I AM STUDYING TO GET THE FIRST RANK AND NOTHING ELSE...!!! This belief not for one day two days or a week BUT CONTINUOUSLY FOR 6 MONTHS...! This will serve the best motivation and you will rarely need any motivational video.
Remember that in my journey of 6 months even i came through tough times....Times when it was difficult to move on.. So whenever u come across such times.... Just have the patience and don't let your dream die!!
   Napolean bonaparte said "Courage is not having strength to go on- it is going on when you don't have strength"
Now some friends ask me " During our cpt to get first rank are we supposed to lock ourselves in rooms and just study??"
     Well it is not that during your CPT u are prohibited from doing anything. But let me ask u one thing If during your CPT u continue to go to movies, use Facebook, travel with friends, watch TV then will u have the courage to dream for the first rank....???? Of course NO.!!
     So don't do anything that will weaken your dream and rest you can enjoy a bit..!! It's not that you have to leave all ur hobbies but still make sure you read average 10-12 hours ( without classes) and 4-6 hours ( with classes). WELL I REALLY DON'T BELIEVE IN STUDY HOURS, what I believe is the dedication with what you study.!! So just study as much as u can.. And at the end of day ask yourself." HAVE YOU GIVEN YOUR BEST TODAY???"
* Don't dare to sleep less than 6 hours in any day in whole 6 months (MAX-8 HRS)
* Eat good food which are healthy. Adequate water is always recommended.
* Your sitting posture should be good. Backbone always straight. And have the habit of studying in table.
* Light exercise and yoga will do good.
So these were some things that I think are necessary to achieve your dream. I hope we know the history of PREMA JAYKUMAR (daughter of a auto rickshaw driver) who had topped the CA final exams. So friends BECOMING THE FIRST RANK HOLDER IS ALWAYS ABOUT YOUR DREAM  AND NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING ELSE. Also let me tell you one thing that " When you work hard for a dream and finally when it gets fulfilled then the feeling is just awesome, out of the world. So come on back up to experience such feeling."  In a nut shell......
You know your destination-> First rank
How to go there? -> preparation tips are shared in my earlier blogs
And always take care of your health.
So I hope guys you are ready to achieve your dream. So get back to your study table and move to the journey of becoming the best...... At any point of time you find your dream getting weak do read this article again and boost up..
Do provide your feedbacks and comments. And if you like it do SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS.!!!!
Have a good day....
