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CA CPT preparation tips-1

Hello friends. After getting ALL INDIA FIRST RANK in CPT examination DEC 2014 i thought  of sharing some personal experience in cpt and also aome tips which may be helpful for u to get a RANK in cpt. In this post i will be sharing some preparation tips.
The most crucial thing is that Believe that u can become a rank holders. Rank holders are just ordinary students who believe that they can be extraordinary!!!!! So you must hammer this fact in your mind.
Ok now lets discuss "HOW TO PREPARE? "
THREE THINGS are crucial. These three come out as a full form of CPT.

                   So first of all if u are taking classes then be very very attentive and try to grasp the concept behind. Even if u are doing self study learn the concept and better make summaries. Never try to memorize the answers better understand the concept behind. For eg. In accounts instead of memorizing the journal entry it shall be  better to understand the mordern rules of accounting i.e
               when assets increase or liabilities decrease- Dr.
               when assets decrease or liabilities increase- Cr.
Similarly in mathematics understanding the concept of Permutation and combination will help in solving problems.
Concept can be gained either from study material or classes or Google or friends. The most important criteria is u must get the concept anyhow. The next is...

              Currently cpt is full objective based so i really enjoyed to practice questions. While practicing never tick on the book better write down the correct answers in a separate sheet and when the practice is complete match the answers. I really used to enjoy practicing. Note down following points:

  1. For practice first complete the study material and then go for reference books (at least one for each subject) then go for model questions given by ICAI and then the Scanner. U hav to complete all these to get a rank.                                                                   
  2. While practising when u come across a conceptual question or a question which  needs revision then put on a astrik (*) or tick (√) or any other mark for revision.               
  3. Practicing once is not enough. More practice=More study hours. Average study hours during classes 4-5 hrs and in holidays 10-11 hrs. ( remember that u are in a journey to becoming a rank holder not only pass)                                                                                       
  4. Practice should be such that it can lead to quick revision. In my cpt one day before examination I was able to revise the MODEL TEST PAPERS 1 & 2 and SCANNER in just 6 hours. This was because i had ticked the confusing questions and before exam i revised only those which i often made wrong.                                                                         

              It is required both while preparation and in examination. While preparation give moretime to subjects in which you are weak. So that all subjects are in balance. There is no strict rule which subject require how much time. In my case my mercantile law was weak so i devoted most of my time to law. 
              In examination as per my view it is better to start from theory. In session I start from mercantile law, complete it in 30-35 min and then do the account. In session II start from economics. Have a regular sense of how much time is left. 

So friends these were some surfacial tips on how to prepare for cpt. I will be back with many more tips. Please send your comments and feedback. 
Have a good day.........!!!!!
